SHAREDA, Photo Credit to SHAREDA
clock 24-08-2020
hit 2,717
State Government Proactive Effort for the Restoration of 999-Year Lease on Converted Land Titles in Sabah

Following the announcement of 999-year land tenure restoration, Sabah Housing And Real Estate Developers Association (SHAREDA), Datuk Chew Sang Hai released the subsequent statement. 

SHAREDA welcomes the government measures to restore the original 999-year lease from 99-year lease after the submission of title for conversion/subdivision.

As it was widely known that the 99-year lease policy was implemented since 1990, and this policy has caused unjust and grieve on too many landowners and other related stakeholders.

In the past, SHAREDA, being one of the affected stakeholders had opposed the said unjust policy dating back during the SHAREDA presidency of past presidents like Datuk Kong Kwok Wah, Datuk Susan Wong and Datuk Francis Goh.

Since the past 12 years, SHAREDA has taken proactive efforts to counter the conversion of land lease to 99 years policy by conducting many sessions of legal studies and researches on precedent cases with Sabah lawyers and also West Malaysian legal firms on the above implications.

SHAREDA had also submitted findings and presented the report to the previous State Government on many dialogues and meetings. Despite all these efforts, it is unfortunate that we did not receive any further favorable outcomes and all our efforts are in vain.

As per my predecessors, we continue our plight to further the course to oppose the above unjust policy. We are fortunate that we once again presented SHAREDA findings and reports to the present government and SHAREDA gain a very favorable and positive respond. Hence all our sacrifices and efforts finally paid off.

In conclusion SHAREDA would like to thank the present State Government under the leadership of Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Mohd Shafie Bin Haji Apdal on their proactive and “Rakyat Friendly” approach.

Thank you

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