By Property Hunter
clock 31-05-2022
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These Hacks Will Help You Transform Your Property Into a Liveable Home

Buying property is just the beginning. After receiving the key, there are more things to do to unlock the value of your property. The reality is that property owners don’t know what to do with the property.

Your goal should now be to determine how you can raise the value of your property with minimal effort, or in the least amount of effort possible so that you can obtain the maximum return on your investment. This includes improving the curb appeal of the home or smart furnishing.

One of the most exciting things about smart furnishing is how it can help in the property market. When you furnish smartly, you can provide a comfortable home for your family or for whoever you're selling or renting to.

How do I transform my property?

Boost your walls

One of the best ways to transform your home is to add something extra to make it “pop”. You can do this in a million different ways, boosting your walls can definitely make them more interesting.

You can do so by creating a mixture of colours and patterns, applying wallpaper, wallpaper+painting, painting with designs or wainscoting. This will make your home feel more vibrant, attractive, and inviting.


Another way to transform your home is to utilise curtains. Curtains are a great way to transform your home without taking up a lot of space. You can hang curtains to separate spaces such as the living room from the bedrooms or to separate the kitchen from the dining area. This not only helps to transform the space but also creates a sense of privacy and can also be used to create divisions in the home without the need for traditional walls.

Avoid using miniskirts or plastic curtain as it will give your home an unattractive look.

Use lighting to your advantage 

Another way to transform your home is by adding light. You can hang panel lights above your dining table to illuminate the space, or you can add tread lights to spaces you want to highlight, such as the living room or the bedroom. This will transform your home in a way that’s both functional and stylish.


As a property owner, you can use any decorative item you want so long as it enhances the beauty and feel of your home. Adding some soft touches can transform your home into a welcoming haven.

You can put some throw pillows on your furniture to add a sense of comfort, or you can add blankets to your furniture to create a feeling of privacy and to make your home feel warmer. You can even add artificial plants to your unit to create a sense of aesthetics and provide a sense of wellness. This will make your unit feel like a home instead of an empty shell.

Limit the use of colours

Choose your colour palette carefully and use only a small number of colours. Too many colours can overwhelm your space and become visually confusing. You can limit the number of different colours used by choosing a colour palette that has only two or three colours.

The 60:30:10 rule is an important principle in interior design. The rule suggests that 60% of the space in a room should be filled with a dominant colour, 30% with secondary colours and that the rest of the 10% of space should be filled with highlights. 

When it comes to smart furnishing, the most important thing to focus on is what is necessary for the property. Instead of investing in expensive furnishings that don’t add value, invest in smart furnishings that will add value to your property. This can include adding new flooring, paint, and fixtures to your home. This will help to improve the curb appeal, which will in turn help to bring in more potential tenants and buyers.

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