By Property Hunter
clock 05-04-2022
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Need Tips to Boost Your Property Value? Here Are 4 Tips That Might Just Help You

Understanding how to raise the value of your property is a significant feature of owning a house, whether you're trying to sell it quickly or merely preparing for the future.

We’ve put together a quick overview of the potential solutions that might just help you raise the value of your property. This can provide some insight into what may attract potential homebuyers before our PH Expo 2022.

1. Keep Your House Clean

A clean home will convince a potential buyer that you've kept the property in good shape. Make sure you or your cleaner give the property a particularly deep clean before home viewings. A clean home gives a good impression, and good impressions mean the potential for higher offers on the home.

2. First Impressions Always Matter

The first thing that anyone sees when they walk through your front door is the exterior of your home. This is the first impression that your house makes on buyers, and it sets the tone for the rest of the tour. 

When you’re ready to list your house, you’ll want to make sure that the first impression is the best impression. This means getting the lawn mowed if your home is landed and the lobby or corridors if your home is highrise, the house clean, and any decorations in place before you show your home to potential buyers.

3. Maintaining Your Home

The main purpose of a home is to be home: that is, a place where people live in, people sleep in, people eat in, people have fun in, and people have fun out. It is also a place that provides security and shelter.

A well-maintained home will make the home both more attractive and more profitable for you. It will also be a more attractive place to live because it will be a place where people can see your dedication and character.

4. Promote Green Home Concept

Green homes have become increasingly popular over the years. They’re very popular not only for their environmental benefits but also for their aesthetic and resale value. The concept is about using energy efficiently and effectively. It is about applying environmental values and sustainability to the design, construction, and use of homes.


Sibling Home & Kitchen will be giving more tips on how to boost the value of your property at our PH Expo 2022 on 23 April 2022(Saturday). 

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