clock 22-09-2021
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Youngest IQI Leader in East Malaysia Uses Mindset to Push Through Pandemic

Jiun Yaw is a real estate professional who went from being a newbie to an IQI leader in Sabah in a very short period of time by using the power of mindset. Here's his story.

Joining the real estate industry has impacted me a lot, especially in terms of the way I think about investment and my financial mindset. Networking has been a very important tool for me as well to learn the ins and outs of the market. 

Even though the MCOs during the pandemic was tough on real estate agents, having a strong discipline helped me push through this lower demand market. How we think, in other words, our mindset is very important. If we believe we can make it through, we surely can. If I were to compare my performance this year, it is much better than 2020 and it wouldn't have been possible without having a strong mindset. 

My proudest moment so far is just within a month of joining real estate, I became the youngest IQI leader in East Malaysia. During the pandemic, I was the highest achiever and was able to close 15 deals and win a cruise sponsored by IQI. Most of the cruise winners were seniors but I was able to squeeze myself in as a junior. 

With Property Hunter I am able to reach more exposure and close more sales. 


View Jiun Yaw's page to contact him.

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