By Property Hunter
clock 01-09-2021
hit 3,445
A Mother and a Top Subsale Performer

Three years ago, Alda was looking for a way to spend more time with her family. Two years later she became a top seller in real estate while spending more time with loved ones. Here's her story. 

How long have you been in real estate and how has this career impacted your life?

I have been in the real estate industry for 3 years. At first, I was looking for a job that has flexible working hours, with a higher income compared to my previous job with a basic salary because I have a kid and wished to have more time with my family.

This career impacted my life so much in a way that I had improved my negotiation skills. It's a win-win in my own philosophy as a certified REN when giving solutions or solving my client’s (Tenant / Landlords’) problems.

During MCO, how did you manage yourself through the pandemic?

Digitalization is important during the pandemic and it is more convenient and safe for everyone. Zoom, Google Meet, Whatsapp or Facebook Live is the common platform that I am using to connect with my team on sharing information / Training / Ideas and discussion.

What is a milestone or achievement that you are most proud of during your real estate career?

Being recognized as Top 10 Subsales Performer during the 2nd year in this real estate industry. But after all, the proudest moments of my real estate career is when clients recommend my good services to others and am able to help my clients to solve their problems.

Why have you chosen the Property Hunter platform to help you excel in your business as a team leader and real estate agent?

Property Hunter platform is well-known among all the property seekers locally. They have the expertise to help marketing tools transform to digitalization.

View Alda's property listings here or shop for homes in your area here

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