By Property Hunter
clock 25-08-2021
hit 3,948
KK IQI Team Leader Takes 7 New Leaders Under His Wing During Pandemic

Abby believes in utilizing all avenues to maximise his real estate portfolio, even during a pandemic... Here's how he did it.

How long have you been in real estate and how has this career impacted your life?


With over 4 years of experience in the real estate industry, I can be assured that my client will get full and adequate information about any properties regardless if they are for rent or for sale. As a responsible and reliable professional, I will be able to assist my client with the necessary procedures from the beginning to the end. This professional mindset has transformed my life and constantly elevates my real estate path to endless heights.

During MCO, how did you manage yourself or lead your team through the pandemic?


This COVID-19 pandemic poses a great challenge in collaboration with team members. With the fast adoption of information technology, our collaborations are done on social media platforms such as Instant Messenger, Whatsapp and Telegram.


These are the common platforms used to connect with my team whether for sharing information, ideas or to conduct daily activity discussions. As for training and meetings, I utilized systems like Zoom and Google meet. These are great tools that are platform friendly whether Mobile or PC.

What is a milestone or achievement that you are most proud of during your real estate career?


With persistence and perseverance, I nurtured 2 Team Leaders in the year 2020, then consecutively achieved to nurture another 5 New Leaders Ranking in the year 2021.


It is with great fulfilment that I always managed to meet my client's dream home.


Maximizing a property investment portfolio in real estate is my greatest achievement with satisfaction towards my mission and career life in Juwai IQI.

Why have you chosen the Property Hunter platform to help you excel in your business as a team leader and real estate agent?


Property Hunter is the largest property portal in East Malaysia & also have an interactive property web portal where users can search for the latest properties available in the market, trending news, upcoming events, new features, and agents networking group in Telegram as well.


View Abby Tan's listings of homes, land and shop lots all around Sabah here -

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