Photo Credit Property Hunter, by Ayshea
clock 13-08-2020
hit 2,072
KK City: Lintas to Hilltop, What if They Were Linked?

So close, yet so far... Lintas and Hilltop is home to some of the best lunch spots in Kota Kinabalu. Fish soup, ngiu chap, dim sum, nasi lemak, chilli pan mee, the list goes on! However, if you have ever made a trip there in the middle of the day, you know that it is a nightmare to find parking. What if there was an easier way for you to get about the area?

With hundreds of shop lots and offices, as well as a major clinic and an upcoming residential development, bridges to link Lintas all the way to Hilltop could potentially improve the lives of Kota Kinabalu metropolitans drastically.

With a bridge, the distance from Heritage Plaza to Hilltop is about half a kilometre - which will take you only about 5 mins to walk!

The depictions below are for illustration purposes only. 

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