clock 27-08-2018
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State Government Promises to Make Things Better

The state government is taking action to make things better after learning of the plight of the state's property development industry, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal.

"I would like to assure the people, particularly the movers and shakers of the business world present here, that ‘yes, we received the message'; we got you, and we are taking action to make things better" Shafie said at the Sabah Housing and Real Estate Developers Association's (SHAREDA) 40th Ruby Anniversary on Saturday, 25 August.

This is evident in the series of decisions that his administration has made in the three short months since it came into power, he pointed out.

"For example, developers wanted the approval of development plans to be expedited for housing development," Shafie said in his speech, read by his deputy YB Christina Liew. He also added that the issue of strata titles and delay in issuance of occupation certificates will be dealt with.

"We have taken steps to expedite the process of approving development plans by decentralizing the approving power to the local authorities. We have set about looking into deepening our important economic sectors," he shared.

The state government has also imposed a ban on the export of round logs to encourage downstream industries. We are revisiting the old adage that industrialisation is the way to not just creating jobs, but jobs that pay good wages, he said.

He said the State Government desired to regain market and business confidence as well as to increase the income and purchasing power of the people.

"Generally, the people were tired of corruption and abuse of power. They did not like the feeling that the government was calling the shots and leaving the people as outsiders" Shafie said.

"With your experiences and resources under your control, the members of SHAREDA are capable of being big-part players as we seek to bring about changes to the business, social and political landscape in Sabah" he concluded.

Among those present in the event were past SHAREDA Presidents, Datuk William Fong (1978-81); the late Tan Sri Wong Chik Lim (1981-85) - who was represented by his son; Datuk Yap Pak Leong (1985-89); Datuk Yong Loi Thiam (1990-2001); Datuk Abu Bakar Yahya (2001-05); Datuk Kong Kwok Wah (2005-09); Datuk Susan Wong (2009-13); Datuk Francis Goh (2013-17) and Chew Sang Hai (2017-19). The patrons were each honoured with a gong for their services.

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