Borneo Post, Photo Credit to
clock 25-06-2018
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No More TAED: City Hall to Retake Possession of Tg Aru Beach and Prince Philip Park

The land title for the Tanjung Aru Eco Development (TAED) project will be transferred back to the Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) for new upgrading works for Tanjung Aru Beach and Prince Philip Park, said Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Junz Wong.

As far as he is concerned, Junz said there would be "no more TAED”.

The 345-hectare TAED project has currently been put on hold by City Hall pending a directive from the new State Government.

Junz said the Tanjung Aru Beach and Prince Philip Park would be retained and upgraded and will remain as an open space for the good of the public.

He said the State Cabinet would discuss about TAED as soon as possible, adding that the project would be put on hold until further announcement.

As the Tanjung Aru assemblyman, Junz said his stand on TAED is firm and clear since his time in the opposition and has remained firm till now.

"That is to ensure that the TAED will not go on and to make 101 percent sure that the natural beauty of Tanjung Aru Beach is retained.”

Meanwhile, Mayor Datuk Yeo Boon Hai said City Hall had cleaned up Tanjung Aru Beach and Prince Philip Park within five days upon obtaining the green light from the State Government.

He said both the beach and the park had been left neglected for a year which resulted in clogged drains and uncut grass.

"The situation has improved significantly after cleaning up work by City Hall" he said.

He said City Hall would continue to monitor the cleanliness at the beach and park for tourists and locals to enjoy the natural beauty of Tanjung Aru Beach.

Yeo revealed that Tanjung Aru Eco Development Sdn Bhd had taken over the Tanjung Aru Beach and Prince Philip Park a year ago for the TAED project. During that period, all the hawkers' stalls had been moved to Tanjung Lipat to make way for the buildings at Tanjung Aru Beach to be demolished. After the election, the TAED project was put on hold until further notice.

He said City Hall returned to clean up the beach on June 17 following the instruction from the Deputy Chief Minister cum Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Christina Liew.

Yeo also personally inspected the cleanliness at Tanjung Aru Beach at 4pm yesterday.

"I am pleased to see that many tourists and locals relaxing at the beach" he said, adding that City Hall would put in place a parking system to ensure orderliness.

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