Borneo Post, Photo Credit to Borneo Post
clock 10-01-2022
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City Hall Reveals Five-Year Strategic Tourism Plan for Kota Kinabalu

City Hall has revealed a five-year strategic tourism plan that can help boost Sabah’s tourism sector in its recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic impact.

Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Abidin Madingkir who launched the event stated that this five-year strategic plan will serve as a guide for Kota Kinabalu City Hall in terms of repairing and planning its assets and tourist goods, as well as revitalising the tourism industry.

He also stated that because Kota Kinabalu is the state's gateway, its infrastructure and nature must be maintained.

“Despite the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic, we must prepare for the surge of tourists once travel restrictions are lifted. We can't wait till the epidemic ends, because it will be too late,”

“We can start planning and implementing whatever is required right now," he added, adding that due to projects demanding large amounts of funding, the private sector should step in to help the government revive the tourist sector.

According to Abidin, being the key source of revenue for the state, the tourism sector was badly affected due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

"This strategic development plan may be utilised to revitalise the sector," he said, adding that because it is a five-year plan, "we can use it to plan on receiving financing from the state or federal government so it can be implemented."

He also emphasised that no matter how brilliant a strategy is, it will be useless if it is not put into action.

Abidin expressed that as someone who had spent a long term in the civil service, he had seen numerous government policies linger on the shelf. Meanwhile, Mayor Datuk Noorliza Awang Alip noted that conserving Australia Place and the colonial-era structures along Gaya Street was part of the plan.

"We need a Kota Kinabalu identity, and we're researching the city's past to do so. We shall lose our historical components if we do not maintain them," she warned.

She added that KKCH along with other professional associations is working closely to engage with the public in Gaya Street along Jalan Jati.

Abidin also stated that the state aims to reflect the aspirations of the 12th Malaysia Plan where there is shared prosperity in the economic, socio and environmental sectors.

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