Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 24-06-2018
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Faster Property Project Approvals, Says Sabah CM

KOTA KINABALU: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal said a special committee will be formed to approve property development and real estate in order to hasten the process as well as reduce cost.

He said previously the procedure would be approved by the Chief Minister where the method is centralised but at the cost of time and money which should be abolished not just for the developers but for the future buyers.

"There will be changes for property development. We will decentralise it. No longer the approval of the Chief Minister.

"There will be a special committee to give the approval so the process will be shortened and easier which enables property development in Sabah to hasten with an affordable cost for their buyers," he said, after attending the 2018 Grand Merdeka Mall Hari Raya Open House on Saturday, 23 June.

Also present were Deputy Chief Minister Christina Liew, Sepanggar MP Datuk Aziz Jamman, Health and People's Wellbeing Minister Stephen Wong, Education and Innovation Assistant Minister Jenifer Lasimbang as well as Finance Assistant Minister Kenny Chua, among others.

He also said although the committee will take on the role of property development, it will still have to carry out discussions with the Urban and Regional Planning Department as there will be certain process that need to be taken to proceed with any development work.

"Approval will be expedited and it will cost less and lesser time will be consumed to ensure we can encourage more investment in the development of the property in Sabah," he added.

Shafie said the new State Government led by Warisan will work resiliently for the people but urged all parties to play their part, in this case he urged that developers to be more considerate in charging rental fees.

He said there are malls with empty units due to the high rent which has been the main reason "scaring off" businesses from being established at these places.

"We should give chance to the existing trades and businesses. Maybe by reducing the rental fee to encourage more customers and consumers.

"It is okay if the rental fees are low temporarily until the malls are filled. There will be a time where you can make some adjustment for the rental.

"If the rent is too high then this will burden the tenants," he added.

He also said that with more shopping malls filled with various business operators, this be an influential factor in ensuring that the State economy would grow as business expands.

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