New Straits Time, Photo Credit to Mango Tours
clock 16-11-2017
hit 2,584
Sabah Government to Focus on Safety of Tourists

KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah government will focus more on the tourism sector, especially on the safety of tourists.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Raymond Tan Shu Kiah said the booming tourism sector required tour operators, hoteliers and other industry players to put in place safety protocols for tourists.

"We take visitors to the mountains and islands (because) these are our attractions, but their safety should not be compromised. Tourism is not only about where we take tourists to, but it also involves food and lodgings" he said, adding that transport was also a huge safety concern.

Tan, who is also the state industrial development minister, said this after the opening of the two-day Fifth Borneo Occupational Safety and Health Conference and Exhibition here on Monday.

"We will work with small and medium enterprises in the tourism sector, with the collaboration of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Niosh), to conduct training and provide certification in safety protocols.”

Present were Niosh chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, executive director Ayop Salleh and state manager Mohd Hussin Abd Salam.

Hussin said Niosh was working closely with the Tourism and Culture Ministry and state Tourism, Culture and Environment Department to tackle safety issues.

Niosh wants to engage industry players to cope with the influx of tourists in the state. Safety is important, especially for water activities such as diving and snorkelling, and transport such as water taxis.

"More workshops will be held next year to assist hoteliers, operators and taxi operators to come up with procedures that suit their businesses.”

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