Photo Credit Agoda, by Property Hunter
clock 29-03-2021
hit 1,858
Tourism in Sabah Is Bouncing Back!

Shangri La's Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa is reported to have a 90% occupancy rate, with suite rooms completely booked.

Tourism was always one of the main driving forces in Sabah's economy but it took a major blow when the pandemic hit and movement restrictions were imposed, so this news is a positive sign for Kota Kinabalu. 

While some remain cautious, other's will be taking this opportunity to prepare for Sabah's tourism industry to make a comeback and will consider short-stay property to cater to the influx of visitors. 

Here's a report we did last year on "The New Business Form of Short Stay Rental Investments".

The report leads to the project Sutera Bay, located in Sadong Jaya, however, there are many other projects you can explore that offer short-stay business opportunities. Follow us on Facebook for industry updates.

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