Borneo Post, Photo Credit to Canva
clock 23-11-2020
hit 2,055
SHEDA Says Compulsory Foreign Worker Covid Tests Not Necessary

Compulsory COVID-19 tests for foreign workers in Peninsular and Labuan has the support of Sarawak Housing Estates Developers Association (Sheda) Kuching chairman Sim Kiang Chiok.

To reduce the financial burden of businesses, the Social Security Organisation (Socso) has announced that it will subsidise RM60 per test.

“In the state, Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) has controlled the infection rate very well and compulsory testing at factories and construction sites is not necessary yet.

“Our borders are closed with compulsory 14 days quarantine upon entry to the state. Random testing at factories and construction sites, as well as active contract tracing, has been effective in controlling the infection rate in Sarawak,” Sim Kiang Chiok stated, adding that until a vaccine is available people have to adapt to the new normal.

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