The Borneo Post, Photo Credit to The Borneo Post
clock 08-09-2018
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Sheda Roadshow a Must-Visit Before Potential Price Increase Next Year

The second Sarawak Housing and Real Estate Developers' Association (Sheda) Kuching Branch Home and Property Roadshow 2018 will be taking off soon and consumers, as well as investors, are being encouraged to participate in the event before an anticipated increase in housing prices next year.

The roadshow will be held at AEON Kuching Central Mall from November 7 to 11, 2018.

Organising chairman Peter Pau Kiu Sung warned that the property market in Kuching is experiencing a slowdown, most probably due to the lack of information available out there or because interested home buyers are finding it difficult to get loans.

This was one of the reasons why Sheda has bankers present at its roadshows, in order to further educate the masses about loan application.

"This time, we will invite some suppliers of materials because we would like to introduce more materials to all our consumers," Pau said.

"In total, we have 38 booths available for reservation to developers, bankers and other industry players to market their products and services at this roadshow."

When asked about whether the prices of houses will increase next year in Kuching, Pau replied that they "expect (prices of houses) will increase".

Referring to how much these prices will possibly increase next year, Pau mentioned that it would depend on the new Sales and Service Tax (SST) tax system which has not yet provided clarification on the point.

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