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clock 07-11-2019
hit 1,342
Review Method for NCR Land Survey in Sarawak

PKR has urged Sarawak government to review the method of surveying Native Customary Rights (NCR- Tanah Adat Bumiputera) land to protect the interest of the rightful owner of the land.

Its Sarawak chairman Baru Bian said, presently the NCR survey was being conducted under Section 6 of the Sarawak Land Code which clearly does not protect the interest of the rightful owner as the land was deemed as state land under that section.

“No compensation will be payable in the event the state acquires the land for public purposes,”he said in a statement last night.

Baru who is Works Minister proposed to the Sarawak government to conduct NCR land survey under Section 18 of the same code.

He said the preferred method of survey of the land should be Section 18 as the land title definitely confers individual ownership of NCR land to the holder, there is no need to pay any premium on the title and is recognised in perpetuity.

“Section 18  is preferred over section 6 to avoid unnecessary conflict,”he added.

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