The Star, Photo Credit to The Star
clock 18-06-2019
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Sabah Can Learn From China How to Handle Corrupt Contractors

Sabah can learn from China when it comes to disciplining corrupt contractors who have abused their trust after failing to complete projects started under the previous administration, says Penampang MP Datuk Darell Leiking.

The Parti Warisan Sabah deputy president said this in reference to flood mitigation projects that have not been completed due to alleged financial leakages.

"I've always complained about the problems caused by the flooding while I was still an Opposition MP.

"Now that I'm in the government, I found out that the previous administration had approved flood mitigation measures for Penampang and Sabah.

"But I don't know how they spent the money. When you go on the ground, you see many of these projects are only half-done," he told reporters at Kota Kinabalu Marriott Hotel on Friday (June 14).

The International Trade and Industry Minister said Sabah can learn from China on disciplining people and contractors who are corrupt.

"In Sabah, we want people and contractors who are disciplined. We will go after those who have abused the trust given to them and who don't do any work.

"Now, so many people are suffering because of their failure to complete the flood mitigation," he added.

On Thursday (June 12), heavy rains triggered floods in low-lying areas of Kota Kinabalu and its neighbouring districts with the downpour causing a sinkhole to emerge in a village in Penampang.

Vehicles could be seen submerged in floodwaters while many houses were also hit.

Leiking said he will personally ask Water, Land and Natural Resources Minister Dr Xavier Jayakumar as well as Sabah Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Datuk Junz Wong to take heed from their counterparts in China on how to solve flood-related problems.

On Friday, Leiking and China's Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Miao Wei co-chaired the business roundtable between major Malaysian and Chinese brands and manufacturers.

The roundtable, themed "Win-Win Cooperation for Manufacturing Innovative Development", was specially organised to bridge business collaboration in smart manufacturing among businesses from the two countries.

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