Borneo Post, Photo Credit to Borneo Post
clock 06-03-2019
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SHEDA Praises Govt's Efforts to Reduce Cost of Doing Business in Sarawak

The Sarawak Housing and Real Estate Developers' Association (SHEDA) Kuching acknowledges the governments efforts to reduce the costs of doing business in Sarawak.

"I compliment the state government for making our electricity connection charges more transparent in their efforts to reduce the cost of doing business in Sarawak," SHEDA Kuching branch chairman Sim Kiang Chiok said in a speech launching SHEDA Kuching Branch's Chinese New Year gathering on Saturday night.

"They have spoken to us, held a seminar, educating us on how much it costs to connect electricity to your houses. Therefore, I congratulate the Sarawak government, Sesco and Sarawak energy for doing that.

"We are in the process of finding out the savings from this and what the benefits are for members. I thank the government for this transparency on behalf of the Sarawakian public."

Sim said SHEDA Kuching Branch comprises more than 70 per cent of total SHEDA membership and the Kuching branch have been organising events and gatherings such as this evening on a regular basis to promote networking among its members and other industry players.

"After this Chinese New Year gathering, our next event will be the first Home and Property Roadshow 2019 which will be held at Vivacity Megamall from April 5 to 7, 2019. which will feature the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC 2019) program as well."

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