Photo Credit Bernama
clock 12-07-2021
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SHEDA: PPVs Distributed in Numerous Industrial Field Can Speed Up Economic Recovery

Datuk Sim Kiang Chiok, chairman of the Sarawak Housing and Real Estate Developers Association (SHEDA) Kuching says that the establishment of vaccination centres (PPV) by various fields would help to regenerate the economy once the government's emergency plan for a recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic is accomplished.

As far as it concerns, Datuk Sim acclaimed the announcement that was announced by the Prime Minister regarding the arrangement of PPVs for plantation fields shortly as this would speed up the process of vaccination in Sarawak to acquire mass immunity more swiftly. 

He mentioned in a statement, “The manpower of these sectors would be vaccinated and protected against Covid-19 infection, and our country would be able to resume, recover and revitalise our economy onto the growth path again.”

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Datuk Sim considered getting fully vaccinated as a remedy to flatten the present situation Covid-19 curve. He commented, “Our vaccination plan has gone through Phase 1 (for frontliners) and Phase 2 for the elderly folk and those with underlining illnesses. Now, it’s Phase 3 for all individuals aged 18 and above. However, to speed up the vaccination rates, the federal government has allowed Phase 3 to include industrial vaccination to be rolled out by big companies with large (numbers of) employees.”

In terms of industrial vaccination stage, Datuk Sim said the vaccines would be distributed by the government for free, but the employers have to pay for the establishment of PPVs and also ensure the expenses including private medical staff. “The employees must not have to pay anything. This is to allow the big industrial companies to assist the government in speeding up the roll-out of the vaccines. Of course the success of the programme is also subject to vaccine arrivals from the manufacturers,” he stated.

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