Manchester Evening News , Photo Credit to Manchester Evening News
clock 02-08-2018
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IOS: Walking & Cycling Masterplan Unveiled for Greater Manchester

Chris Boardman, an Olympic Gold Medalist for cycling has unveiled plans for a thousand miles of interlinked bike and walking lanes across Greater Manchester.

The ambitious plan, known as "Beelines”, will be a game-changing 10-year proposal which is worth £1.5bn. It will turn the city into a more pedestrian and cyclist friendly linked community, similar to those found in Holland and Denmark.

In an article by Manchester Evening News, Olympian Mr Boardman said: "Its not really about people using bikes and walking; it's about making better places to live and work by giving normal people a real choice about how they travel.” After all, the goal is to connect every community, making cycling and walking safe for ‘every 12-year-old' and offer an alternative to driving for thousands of people across the city region.

"Beelines” are essentially routes connecting communities across Greater Manchester. They will be made up of a combination of segregated routes for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as crossing to connect existing quieter roads.

It is believed that once implemented, the plan will bring forth crowd to quieter areas, thus directly boosting local businesses and economy. In the long run, it will also reduce the number of cars on road, resulting in less traffic congestion and cleaner air.

Property Hunter published its first Investing Overseas Series (IOS). The first of its series focuses on Manchester, United Kingdom. Click to read the interactive story on Manchester : The World's Property Hotspot.

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