PropertyGuru, Photo Credit to PropertyGuru
clock 30-07-2021
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Low-Carbon Cities Will Be Launched in Malaysia as a National Master Plan

The government recently initiated the National Low-Carbon Cities Master Plan, which outlines how the state government and local councils can establish their own low-carbon cities in their area.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin during the launch of Malaysia Low-Carbon Cities Conference 2021 says, “The process of transition and transformation of low-carbon cities will bring about a positive impact on all of us in reducing the effects of climate change.”

He added that upgrading Malaysian cities to low-carbon cities will help the country's green economy grow, attract domestic and international investment, and ultimately increase employment. In conjunction with this, the Low-Carbon Cities Catalyst Grant (GeRAK) that is worth RM35 million has been introduced to assist local councils in implementing their high-impact low-carbon cities project.

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Since 2011, the government has been working on several initiatives to help local councils accomplish their low-carbon city plan at the state and city levels, Prime Minister Muhyiddin explained. In addition, he emphasised the importance of local councils in planning a city's socio-economic development and environmental infrastructure. Furthermore, both at the national and local levels, local councils also contribute to the attainment of environmental protection measures.

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