New Sabah Times, Photo Credit to New Sabah Times
clock 12-07-2018
hit 1,068
New Committee to Monitor Pan Borneo Highway

The implementation of the Pan Borneo Highway (PBH) project will be monitored by a new committee to replace the existing project delivery partner.

Infrastructure Development Minister, Datuk Peter Anthony said that the committee will consist of the Industrial Development Ministry, the Finance Ministry and other relevant government agencies.

According to him, the move is to ensure the state government has full control of the project through the implementation committee and to reduce cost.

He said that among the leakage identified in the project implementation is the exorbitant consultant fee that amounted to RM700 million and the land compensation.

"The government is paying big amounts to compensate the lands acquired for the project. Why can't they just use the existing road alignment so they do not have to acquire extra lands?” he told a press conference at the ministry's Hari Raya open house here yesterday.

Peter also said that the government will review the contracts awarded to make sure the contractors comply with the requirements, quality and deadlines.

If the contractors cannot deliver based on the requirement, he said that their contracts would be terminated and will be given to other qualified local contractors.

He is also confident that the Phase 1 of the project can be completed within its original completion date of December 31, 2021.

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