clock 08-06-2018
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Tourism and Airbnb to Feature Prominently at Property Hunter Convention 2018

The first ever Property Hunter Convention will feature 20 speakers from backgrounds ranging from estate agents, to designers, to investors to heads of associations. One of the many themes of the convention will be on tourism and Airbnb. Property Hunter Convention 2018 is happening on 9-10 June from 10am to 6pm at the Magellan Sutera Ballroom.

Humphrey Ginibun, Marketing Manager of Sabah Tourism Board (STB) will share the stage with SHAREDA President Mr Chew Sang Hai in the "Progress in Sabah” forum on 9 June, 1.30pm and will be giving talks the following day on opportunities in tourism products. His talks will focus on the state of tourism in the various districts of Sabah and what kind of services and businesses these districts are after and are good opportunities.

Airbnb will also feature prominently with Ikhram Merican, Managing Director of Living Space Hospitality, who operates a portfolio spanning throughout the nation and internationally. Kenny Wong, founder of Wowspace Sdn Bhd will also be sharing his journey with you, which as a Sabah local, who you can definitely relate and take inspiration from.

As the tourism industry flourishes, it has become one of the big talking points in the state and is a real opportunity for those who understand and willing to explore the industry further. Below are the talks and sessions that you will not want to miss:

Cost of Running Airbnb, the True Story - Kenny Wong, Founder of Wowspace (9 June, 1.30pm, Apprentice Stage) Forum: Progress in Sabah (9 June, 1.30pm, Master Stage) How to be Profitable with Airbnb - Ikhram Merican, Managing Director of Living Space (10 June, 11.30am, Apprentice Stage) How to Benefit from Tourism - Humphrey Ginibun, Marketing Manager of STB (10 June, 2pm, Master Stage) Tourism Statistics for Business - Humphrey Ginibun, Marketing Manager of STB (10 June, 2.30pm, Master Stage)

To see the full talk schedule, click here:

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