clock 06-06-2018
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20 Speakers Set to Share Knowledge and Inspiring Stories at Property Hunter Convention

Property Hunter Convention, touted to be the largest property exhibition in East Malaysia, will be an opportunity for potential buyers and sellers. Set to take place this weekend, 9 and 10 June 2018, this two-day event will be free, but attendees are encouraged to pre-register at the Property Hunter website to skip the queues. Talk sessions require tickets, however.

For those seeking to attend the myriad talks happening at the event that caters to first-time buyers to seasoned investors to industry players, tickets must be produced and are sold online at the Property Hunter website. These tickets will enable access to all the talks throughout the 2-day event and will be sold at-the-door on event day for RM150. Tickets can be purchased here: Property Hunter Convention Talk Access.

To shy away from the dreary property talks, Property Hunter designed two talk areas, calling them the Apprentice Stage and Master/Industry Stage. These stages have been designed to target a specific set of audiences.

Apprentice Stage Not knowing where and how to start investing are one of two setbacks discouraging people from buying. This stage is opened to all first-time buyers, covering topics from ‘Mistakes People Make When Investing' to ‘Tax Issues to Look Out for When Buying and Selling Property'.

Master/Industry Stage This stage is aimed at expert or seasoned developers and investors. Prominent property personalities have been invited to share their thoughts on the latest happenings in the industry.

With a line-up of 20 speakers due to share during the 2-day event, here's a glimpse of the topics that will be covered at Property Hunter Convention.

If you're a first time buyer: - Mistakes People Make When Investing: Sr Liaw Lam Thye - Investing in KK vs KL: Peter Fred - Tax Issues to Look Out for When Buying and Selling Property: Chong Ken Vun - Investment Hotspots in and Around Kota Kinabalu: Joel Low - ABC Steps to Getting Your Loan Approved: Miichael Yeoh - MLTA vs MRTA, Which Do You Need?: Special Guest and Daniele Gambero

If you're considering to start your Airbnb journey: - Cost of Running Airbnb, the True Story: Kenny Wong - How to Be Profitable with Airbnb: Ikhram Merican - How to Benefit from Tourism Opportunities: Humphrey Ginibun - Tourism Statistics for Business: Humphrey Ginibun

If you're a seasoned investor: - Property Tax Planning for 2018: Richard Oon - Property Market Outlook Post-Election: Siva Shanker - Post-Election Propenomy: Daniele Gambero

If you're in the real estate industry: - How to get Agent Certification: Kelvin Yip - Property Management Exposed: Ken Lo - Managing Stratified Malls - Turning Nightmares Into Sweet Dreams: David Lau - Issues Around Affordable Properties: Ben Kong - Selling Properties in China: Georg Chmiel

Property Hunter Convention is supported by DBKK, SHAREDA, MIEA and sponsored by Nippon Paint Malaysia, KOHLER, Tanjung Aru Eco Development, Sinobest Pacific Investment, Regus and Asia Plantation Capital Bhd.

Property Hunter Convention will kick off on 9 - 10 June at Magellan Sutera Harbour Resort. This two-day free-admissions event will be open to public from 10am - 6pm. For more details about the Convention and talk tickets purchasing, visit

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