Borneo Post, Photo Credit to Sabah Tourism
clock 06-02-2018
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Government Finding Ways to Increase Parking Lots in Tg Aru

The state government is looking at ways to increase the number of parking lots in Tanjung Aru town.

Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Edward Yong Oui Fah said they were looking at building a car park at an area adjacent to a church in the town.

"There was an agreement signed by City Hall and a developer to develop the area with shoplots but due to certain reasons, it did not materialise. So we are looking at how we can take back the land and develop it into a car park" he said.

Yong who is Tanjung Aru assemblyman said this when met during his annual Chinese New Year walkabout at the town.

The PBS vice president was accompanied by party leaders from the Tanjung Aru division and BN component parties representatives.

According to Yong the most common complaint of people in Tanjung Aru is the lack of parking spaces in the town which is very popular with people who have sentimental ties with it.

"In Tanjung Aru there is not much land left and what we have, we want to preserve as they are heritage areas. So we will need to find alternatives in our effort to resolve the parking problem" he said.

On the walkabout itself, Yong said it was an annual event where they get to meet the people and listen to the problems they face as well as their suggestions on how to develop Tanjung Aru.

"For the betterment of the rakyat in the constituency, we will take into consideration all suggestions and proposals" he said.

Meanwhile, Yong who is also the minister in charge of City Hall, advised those who have yet to settle their compounds to do so before the end of the amnesty period.

If they fail to do so, they will have to face the consequences of their actions, he stressed.

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