Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 06-02-2018
hit 1,877
Bus Service Should Be Extended to Likas Hospital and QEH2

DAP Likas Coordinator cum DAP Sabah Organising Secretary Henry Shim said the service of two routes between KK Sentral and Queen Elizabeth Hospital should be extended to Likas Hospital, Queen Elizabeth II Hospital and any hospital in Kota Kinabalu.

In response to the announcement by the Mayor on the City Bus on Wednesday, Shim felt that that the starting point was mainly for the sake of patients, elderly, pregnant women or disabled people who urgently need public transport services to the hospital for a referral or medical treatment.

"However, our society does not provide this kind of facilities for this group of citizens in the area."

"Many elderly often cannot go to the hospital for referral or re-appointment regularly due to their children's busy schedule or their inability to drive."

He also said that in addition to providing public transportation in different locations, it is also very important to have buses arrive on time.

"Every half an hour for a bus to come will not receive a warm welcome from the local citizens.

Instead, the authorities should consider providing 10 minutes per bus interval in order to provide effective public transport welfare to the local citizens."

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