clock 15-01-2018
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Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Aru, a New Commercial Development

Bright Eclipse Sdn Bhd held a groundbreaking ceremony of The Aru, a new commercial development in a very low profile manner at The Aru site in Tanjung Aru on Saturday morning, 13 January.

The Aru is situated in Tanjung Aru and will feature a swimming pool, beautiful sea view, amongst others. The project consists of 127 units with built ups of 543 sqft, 1,013 sqft and 1,344 sqft and comes from an affordable range of RM415,789 onwards.

The development is said to allow the usage of Airbnb once it's completed. Airbnb has been the talk of the town as of lately and with the influx of tourists and shortage of hotel rooms in Kota Kinabalu, similar developments to The Aru is the next thing to look forward to.

With Tanjung Aru Eco Development (TAED) proposed to kickstart in in Q2 2018, Tanjung Aru will become the next place to be with all the various developments due to take place in the vicinity.

Read more about the TAED Development here: TAED Project Reserved for Sabahans Only

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