, Photo Credit to Bernama/Paul Tan
clock 14-11-2017
hit 7,033
Sarawak LRT Project to Commence 2019, Says Chief Minister

Sarawak could have its LRT project started by 2019 subject to feasibility studies, Sarawak chief minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg was quoted as saying in The Borneo Post.

The state's Budget 2018, which was tabled on Wednesday, provides for an allocation for studies on the implementation of the LRT project, which can take up to a year to complete, said the chief minister.

The feasibility studies would include proposed routes, soil conditions and power sources, while the stage-by-stage development of the LRT system will serve as triggers for the development and growth of Kuching and its surrounding areas, the chief minister said. In addition, the Greater Kuching area could also include Bako, Damai, Lundu, Bau, and Serian as well as Kota Samarahan and Padawan, he added.

"If the Brookes could implement our first train service from Kuching to Mile 10 before, we should be able to implement something better than that now. We are moving towards modernisation and we must ensure that our people have a better quality of life with shorter travel time from their homes to their respective work places" Abang Johari said.

The proposed LRT would preferably be operated with electric trains since the state has plenty of electricity generated by three hydroelectric power (HEP) plants at Batang Ai, Bakun and Murum, the chief minister said. The fourth hydroelectric power plant in Baleh is expected to generate around 1,400 MW of energy when it is completed in 2025, the report said.

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