Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 13-11-2017
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More Object Proposal to Close Alliance Bank Damai

KOTA KINABALU: A situation where the public is trying to stop a banking institution from closing a branch and relocating it to another site is very rare in the history of Kota Kinabalu, said MCA Luyang Assemblyman Datuk Hiew King Cheu.

"Objections to the proposal to close the Alliance Bank's Damai Branch and relocate it to Jalan Gaya could be the first case of a public outcry in Kota Kinabalu. Residents who are using the facilities feel that it will be very inconvenient for them once the branch is closed," he said in a statement.

According to Hiew, many people had approached his office seeking his assistance to request the Alliance Bank Group to reverse its decision.

While conceding that the proposal is a management decision and should be respected, he urged the Bank Management to consider continuity of service for the convenience of its customers or adopt a contingency plan for a "win-win" solution.

"After all, there is no official announcement as yet on the closing of the branch," he said.

However, Hiew also encouraged the people to utilise the e-banking system which is much more efficient and less time-consuming.

"e-banking is easy to use and fast too, and there is no need to personally go to the bank," he said.

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