Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 18-08-2017
hit 1,584
18.5km Road Upgrade for Semporna Soon

Traffic congestion especially leading into the district is expected to be a thing of the past once work to upgrade the two-lane road into a four-lane road is completed. Assistant Finance Minister Datuk Ramlee Marhaban said the upgrading works will involve an 18.5-km road from Kunak roundabout to Semporna town.

He said he had put forward the application and appealed to the Federal Government after Semporna was not included in the Pan Borneo Highway project.

He said the application received positive response and had been listed as a priority project under the Sabah Rolling Plan 3.

"I look at the upgrading project as a necessity for Semporna people because of the increasing traffic congestion problem. This project will help boost local economy especially because Semporna is becoming an important tourism spot," he said.

Ramlee, who is also Bugaya Assemblyman, said the people will have the prospect of seeing their businesses thrive because of better transportation system.

The project is expected to benefit more than 150,000 people in Semporna.

"I am glad of the attention by the government towards the problems faced by the people in the area.

The people would surely appreciate the concern shown by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman," he said.

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