By Property Hunter
clock 20-04-2022
hit 1,506
All You Need to Know About CCRIS and How Bank Negara Can Help You at the PH Expo 2022

Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS) is a system owned and operated by the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to facilitate credit risk management among banks. 

CCRIS is also used to confirm the credibility of a person’s financial history. All your credit records with the bank will be issued in a brief report. The bank will use this CCRIS report to evaluate or assess your loan eligibility.

The CCRIS Report lists the financing and repayment history of a borrower over the past 12 months, as reported by participating financial institutions. 

It also lists the types of credit that a person has applied for and received, such as credit cards, personal loans, and more. It is only one of the many sources used to assess financing applications

BNM will be hosting a booth at the PH Expo Hybrid 2022, happening at the Sabah International Convention Centre(SICC) from 22-24 April 2022. 

They will be giving insights on how to check your credit report. Visitors will be able to gain free printing of their CCRIS reports. For those who need extra help, there will be free counselling services onsite. 

We hope this information can better prepare your questions before visiting their booth at the PH Expo Hybrid 2022. 

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