Free Malaysia Today, Photo Credit to Free Malaysia Today
clock 21-06-2021
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Sabah Government to Confront Housing Issues for the Underprivileged

Sabah government has been planning to construct more houses for the poor and underprivileged in rural and interior areas, says Chief Minister Hajiji Noor. He then continued to say that this will be focused under the people’s housing programme (PPRT) across Sabah. 

Currently, eight PPRT houses have been approved for construction in each state. 

RM500 million had been allotted under the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) to construct PPRT houses in Sabah, but the state would request a larger allotment from the federal government, he said. The subject was debated at length during the meeting that was presented by all state Cabinet ministers, permanent secretaries and department heads. 

In the matter of accomplishment, Hajiji said an appeal had also been proposed to the federal rural development ministry to contemplate giving an opportunity to Class F contractors in Sabah to be included in the project.

He called upon related ministries and agencies to give thoughts on not using incapable contractors or consultants and cause remit in government development projects.

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