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clock 03-02-2021
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MCO 2.0 Malaysia: Things You Can and Cannot Do in a Strata Property

The government has imposed (and extended) the MCO 2.0 Malaysia. If you live in a strata development and you are unsure about what you can or cannot do during MCO 2021 at your strata home, this article is for you!

To contain the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has come up with standard operating procedures (SOP) and protocols that everyone must adhere to. This includes people living in strata units, who are not exempt from complying to the do’s and don’t’s of MCO Malaysia 2.0. For all activities that are allowed in a strata scheme, protocols regarding COVID-19 Preventive Measures must be adhered to.

COVID-19 Preventive Measures

  • Prior to entering any strata scheme, be sure to screen your body temperature at the entrance.

  • For those with body temperatures of 37.5°C and above or exhibit COVID-19 symptoms such as sore throat, cough, flu and breathing difficulty, the management of the strata scheme must advise the individual to go to a clinic and record their details to be reported to the Ministry of Health (MOH).

  • Ensure that everyone registers by scanning the MySejahtera QR code or writing down their name, phone number, date, and time of arrival at the premises for contact tracing purposes.

  • Wearing a mask and maintaining physical distancing of 1 metre from the next person.

  • Washing one’s hands with soap and water or alternatively, disinfecting one’s hands with a hand sanitiser.

  • Ensuring that all surfaces that can be contaminated are disinfected.

Activities that are allowed during MCO 2.0

1. Management office operation

  • Management offices can remain open but must restrict operations in a way that prevents direct physical contact.

  • Operation hours to be decided by the management office.

  • Number of staff in the management office to be limited to 30% capacity or three personnel depending on ability to maintain physical distancing.

  • When involving members of the public, management office operations must be conducted in a controlled manner and adhere to COVID 19 Preventive Measures.

  • All essential services can continue.

2. Committee meetings

  • Only online meetings are allowed.

  • Face-to-face meetings are prohibited.

3. Postal services/courier/delivery services

  • Deliveries of items to specific addresses are subject to the approval of the Joint Management Body, Management Corporation or Property Manager.

  • Delivery personnel must adhere to the stipulated COVID-19 Preventive Measures.

4. Repair and maintenance works

  • All repair and maintenance work on common property are allowed, subject to the approval of the management.

  • Maintenance or repair of critical damages involving essential services in units are allowed, subject to management approval.

5. Renovation works

  • Renovation is allowed for vacant units.

  • Any hacking work involving persistent loud noises are not allowed for high-rise strata schemes.

  • Allowable duration of renovation work is subject to management approval.

6. Service providers

  • Movements of service providers into a strata scheme must be done with approval and direction from the management.

  • All service providers must adhere to COVID-19 Preventive Measures at the guardhouse and everywhere else within the strata scheme.

  • All information required by the management must be provided for contact tracing purposes.

  • All movements of service providers are limited to the unit or area in question and are subject to management approval.

7. Contractors

  • Movements of contractors, vendors or workers into a strata scheme to carry out maintenance and repair works of essential services are subject to management approval.

  • All movements of contractors, vendors or workers are limited to the unit or area in question.

  • Contractors, vendors or workers are required to provide their details to the management for contact tracing purposes prior to entering a strata scheme.

  • All identification details and the latest phone numbers of contractors, vendors or workers must be provided to the management.

  • While carrying out work, contractors, vendors or workers must adhere to the construction sector SOP laid out by the Public Works Ministry.

  • Contractors, vendors or workers must report their latest COVID-19 test results in accordance with MOH guidelines subject to the latest instructions by the ministry.

  • All contractors, vendors or workers must comply with all stipulated COVID-19 Preventive Measure protocols at security posts and elsewhere within the strata scheme.

8. Residents and common property

  • Residents are allowed to move within a strata scheme while maintaining physical distancing of 1 metre from the next person.

  • All festivities and religious gatherings are prohibited, subject to the latest SOP announced by the National Security Council.

  • All sports and recreational activities by residents are subject to the Sports and Recreational SOP laid out by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

  • The use of any facility inside common properties at strata schemes such as halls, meeting rooms, BBQ pits, and others are prohibited for the duration of the MCO.

Prohibited activities during MCO 2.0

9. Moving house

Are you allowed to move into a strata scheme during MCO 2.0? The answer is no. The government has announced that all matters with regard to moving into a strata scheme are not allowed.

10. Visitors

  • No visitors are allowed into a strata scheme during MCO 2.0 except with special permission by the management.

  • Visitors who have obtained permission to enter a strata scheme are required to comply with COVID-19 Preventive Measures at the guardhouse and everywhere else within the strata scheme, and to provide their details to the management for contact tracing purposes if required.

  • All movements of visitors who have been permitted by management to enter a strata scheme are limited to the unit or area in question-based on the original purpose of their visits.

We hope this information helps you to understand and comply with all SOP and protocols at strata schemes in accordance with what has been announced by the government. Let us comply with these procedures and work together to eradicate the COVID-19 pandemic. #kitajagakita

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on the document Sektor Pengurusan Strata PKP published by the Malaysian government. Any changes or amendments to this information are subject to the latest announcements by the government and do not concern iProperty.com.my or Property Hunter. 

This article was first published as "MCO 2.0 Malaysia: Things You Can and Cannot Do in a Strata Property" on iProperty.com.my.

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