Daily Express, Photo Credit to Canva
clock 08-01-2021
hit 2,617
Plans for Skytrain Linking KKIA-City Centre-1Borneo

Eyes are on Deputy Chief Minister cum Works Minister Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Malaysia following his announcement of their plans to introduce a “skytrain” linking Kota Kinabalu International Airport to the city centre and onwards to 1Borneo.

 “The maiden phase clearly aimed at providing convenience to tourists and visitors is an excellent move in giving the much-needed connectivity for visitors to the state capital,” its President Haji Ramli  Amir told Daily Express.

The skytrain will not only improve connectivity for tourists and residents but will also ease the growing traffic congestion in the city and lessen the need for road maintenance.

 “We have heard of many discussions and plans mooted along the same lines in the media and forums, but this is the first time it has come out from the ‘horse's mouth’ so to speak. 

 “This is very encouraging, indeed, showing personal attention and commitment. Many will eagerly await that the Minister does walk the talk,” he said.

The talk of transport development has been an on-going process for Kota Kinabalu and Ramli further lauded the announcement of the sky train by saying the city “cannot run away from the impact of modernisation any longer”. He hopes to see the plan develop within the next five years.

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