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Homebuyer’s FAQ Guide to the Certificate of Compliance and Completion (CCC)

The CCC (Certificate of Compliance and Completion) in Malaysia is one of the most important documents you'll come across, as it's the piece of paper that will tell you if your home is safe for human habitation or not!

Understanding What The CCC Malaysia Is About

Now, first up, this certificate acknowledges that the building is well constructed and fit for occupation, and is absolutely mandatory for all buildings in Malaysia, be it commercial or residential. 

Throughout the CCC process, every step of the building development process requires the responsible party to sign off to confirm a job well done. 

What The CCC Means For You As A Homebuyer

“I’m no developer, what does the CCC Malaysia have to do with me?” For the average homebuyer, the CCC isn’t typically something they bother with.

But think about it this way – would you be comfortable being operated on by a doctor who isn’t trained and registered with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC)?

A building which has not been issued its final CCC is not guaranteed safe to live in, so never accept vacant possession of your property before it’s been granted a CCC!

Common FAQs About The Certificate Of Compliance And Completion (CCC)

And now, we come to the part where we answer some of the questions which you may have, but are unsure where to find the answers (psst, they're right here!).

1) Who is responsible for issuance of the CCC?
In Malaysia, the Certificate of Compliance and Completion will be issued by a Principal Submitting Person (PSP).

2) When can the CCC be issued?
The PSP can issue the CCC once the following conditions have been met:

• All technical conditions imposed by the LA have been satisfactorily complied with.

• When Form G1 (earthworks) to Form 21 (landscape) in respect of stage certifications as set out in the Second Schedule have been duly certified and received.

• When all essential services, including access roads, landscape, car parks, drains, sanitary, water and electricity installations, fire hydrants, sewerage and refuse disposal requirements and, fire lifts where required have been provided.

• When the PSP certifies in Form F that he has supervised the erection and completion of the building and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the building has been constructed and completed in accordance with the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 [Act 133], the Uniform Building By-Laws (2007) and the approved plans. 

3) What else is the PSP responsible for?
Apart from issuance of the CCC, a few other roles the PSP is responsible for include:

• Submission of the building plan for approval by the Local Authority (LA).

• Supervise construction works at the site and ensure that the provisions of the law and technical conditions imposed are complied with.

• Submit the CCC to the developer as well as to the LA and relevant professional boards.

4) Seeing as the PSP who supervises the construction is also responsible for issuing the CCC, isn’t there a conflict of interest?
While there may be a conflict of interest, the premise behind the CCC system is that only those who are most knowledgeable on the building’s development have the authority to issue the CCC. 

Since the PSP supervises the construction, he/she is most familiar and most involved with the building from construction to completion. 

But fret not! Any parties who produce any false declaration, certificate, application or representation of any form in the CCC process will be fined a sum not exceeding RM250,000, a jail term not exceeding 10 years, or both.

5) Who is responsible for any faults if the PSP dies or cannot be contacted after issuing the CCC?
If the PSP dies or cannot be contacted after the CCC has been issued, any faults that arise are a responsibility of the relevant party.

This is because the CCC system employs a Stage Certification process, where EVERY building component is placed under the responsibility of whoever is in charge of that component.

6) Since the Local Authority (LA) isn’t in charge of issuing the CCC anymore, what is their role under this system?
While the LA may not be in charge of issuing the CCC anymore, they still hold the highest authority in the process. The LA still has to: 

• Approve the planning permission

• Approve the building plan

• Conduct on-site inspections on their own initiative or in response to complaints

• Issue notice to the PSP to withhold issuance of the CCC

• Report and charge any parties who may have provided false certification

7) Since the CCC process is self-regulated, how is misuse/abuse of power prevented?
As mentioned above, the CCC system employs a Stage Certification process. This allows for clear documentation of roles and responsibilities throughout the development’s construction.

8) With so many stages to the process, will there be any delay for the building to receive its final CCC?
No, this is because the certifications for each building component is carried out in stages – as and when each particular component is completed at each site. 

9) How does this CCC system benefit me as a homebuyer?
The CCC can now be issued along with the Notice of Vacant Possession (VP). Meaning, you’ll be able to move in immediately after possession of your keys!

If There’s One Thing You Can Take Away From This Article…

Never ever accept Vacant Possession (VP) if your building has not been issued its Certificate of Compliance and Completion (CCC)!

Remember that this certification is proof that the building is fit for occupation. Hence, a building without a CCC may have underlying problems such as sewerage or fire safety issues. 

However, certain developers have been known to issue “partial CCCs”, where only a certain element of the building has been approved. 

If your developer tries to tell you that partial CCC is sufficient for VP, don’t be fooled! Section 3 of the Housing Development Act (HDA) expressly states that Partial CCC is not acceptable for issuance of Notice of Vacant Possession (VP).

This article was originally posted by PropertyGuru.

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