Photo Credit Grapevine Gossip, by Alexandria A.
clock 06-12-2019
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Creating Space for 2020 With Minimalist Living in a Home

As we approach the start of a new year, many take this time to look at their home and find ways to start fresh. With that in mind, let’s look at a few ways we can make small changes in our homes to clear out the old and create more space.

The power of decluttering - a new-age trend that has become more prevalent over recent years. Perhaps especially after following the wave of minimalist culture projected by the world-renowned novel “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing” written by Japanese author and minimalist, Marie Kondo.

Out with the Old, In with Only That Which Serves Us Joy
Her writings and minimalist philosophy advocate what many believe is the basis of minimalism and that is finding which items in your life “spark joy” (and which don’t). It is a common ritual to perform spring cleaning at the end of a season so you may start there. By digging up category-by-category and letting go of what no longer serves your purpose.

Photo from @Healthline

TV series "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" on Netflix. Photo source from @Healthline

A clear mind starts with a clear environment so start by asking yourself - do I really need all 20 pairs of trousers that has been collecting dust in the back of my closet? What about that blender in the back of your kitchen cabinet that you bought 3 years ago and never ended up using? Or the collection of papers and magazines that has compiled in the corner of a room since 2007?

A Lifestyle
Fumio Sasaki, author of “Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism” used to live like many of us. Spending most of his time in his room, accumulating empty cans of drinks and laundry sprawled across the floor. After adopting this way of life, he now only spends 2 minutes to clean his room that contains only his absolute essentials. Instead of spending time maintaining and trying to upkeep his things, he now has more time (and money) to do the things he loves like traveling and staying active.

Kids living a minimalist lifestyle in Japan. Photo source from @Smart Parenting

Creating space is more than just cleaning up, however. It is also about the way a house is designed and how we can maximise practicality while minimising content. Keep things like this, such as open space and functionality, in mind when looking for a new home.

Coming Soon to Sabah
An upcoming development in the Inanam and Menggatal area of Kota Kinabalu will be the first in Sabah to have a Japanese theme with clean and contemporary designs. To hear more about it, CLICK THIS LINK to receive the latest updates on this development.

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