Free Malaysia Today, Photo Credit to Free Malaysia Today
clock 11-09-2019
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5 Quick-Cleaning Hacks to Zap Your Home Back Into Shape

Does this sound familiar? Spilt drink stains, empty wrappers strewn around the house and garbage bins filled to the brim?

Although you love having guests over, you have to admit that sometimes you let things slide and your home’s in a mega mess before you even realise it.

But fret not! Here are five quick-cleaning hacks to whip your home back into shape before any guest shows up.

1. Wipe down surface areas

First things first, wipe down germ magnets such as doorknobs, countertops and light switches. All you need is some warm soapy water and a cloth, preferably a microfibre fabric.

Wipe all surfaces and rinse the cloth with plain water every now and then so the dirty suds are not spreading around.

2. Clean and sanitise garbage bins

Cleaning garbage bins are essential to cleanliness and a great way to maintain good hygiene in your home. After unloading the trash, give a quick spray in and out the bin.

You can then use a brush and quickly scrub the bin with some dish soap. Be sure to allow the garbage bin to dry out completely before using it again.

3. De-gross the bathroom

You can start by pouring a cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl. Let it sit a few minutes before you brush and flush.

Next, spray tiles, countertops and walls with bathroom cleaner and turn on the hot shower for a few minutes. Let the steam and cleaner sit for five minutes then wipe down all surfaces with a clean cloth.

4. Deodorise

Cooking a whole pot of chicken rendang should do the trick to make the house smell good but you don’t have to go that far.

While decluttering your home, light a citrus candle to burn as you clean. This creates a sense of softness in your home and instantly make it feel warm and welcoming to the odd guest popping by.

5. Vacuum last

Protip – always make vacuuming and mopping the very last chore you do. Otherwise, the floors will get dirty again.

To save time, focus on the areas where the highest number of people tend to congregate – the living room. While you’re at it, rearrange the cushions and neaten up the space.

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