Free Malaysia Today, Photo Credit to Bradford Jacobs
clock 29-07-2019
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Do Property Agents Earn a Basic Salary?

What is the basic monthly salary of a property agent? Frankly, if you want to earn a basic salary each month, it’s best you find employment in a company that provides you with such. And every year, even assuming you carried out the same job responsibilities and did not upgrade your skills set, you will likely still receive an increment unless the company is in bad shape financially.

If you were an outstanding employee that year, you may get a bigger increment than your peers, and possibly a promotion. So someone with a salary of RM10,000 per month with an increment of 6% will receive RM600 extra every month.

Photo Credit to Shutterstock

This option is “sheltered”, meaning it’s good for many but may be considered too stable for some. For those yearning for a higher salary in a shorter timeframe, then perhaps a real estate negotiator (REN) and later real estate agent are the ideal jobs for you.

But let’s address the question of how much of a basic salary these individuals earn. Simply put, there is no basic salary for a real estate negotiator. Some agencies do provide a small allowance but that’s about it. How well the individual performs will be reflected in how high the commission payout is. Everything depends on following the advice of the mentors in the agency and giving every job your best shot.

Photo Credit to Forbes

There are many real estate negotiators whose holidays are either paid for by the agencies they work in (due to their outstanding performance) or paid for themselves (because of super high commissions). Conversely, there are many real estate negotiators who quit after a few months.

Perhaps three qualities distinguish real estate negotiators from others in the workforce.

1. Courage
2. Discipline 
3. Resourcefulness

There are no rights or wrongs. Be happy with whatever job you choose and just enjoy it.

So, to answer the many curious people out there who want to know how much a real estate negotiator can earn, just remember this – every time you read about one business beating the odds and making it big, bear in mind that there are many others that are performing just so-so, and many more that fail completely after some time.

This article first appeared in

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