Borneo Post, Photo Credit to New Straits Times
clock 10-06-2019
hit 1,521
RM1 Bln for Flood Mitigation Works

The federal government has allocated close to RM1 billion for flood mitigation works for Kota Kinabalu, including for Penampang and Inanam.

Assistant Finance Minister Kenny Chua said the state government had plans for flood mitigation but was awaiting for the federal government to channel the allocation to the state coffers.

"Close to RM1 billion is allocated for Kota Kinabalu area, which is being divided among several places, including Penampang and Inanam."

Nevertheless, Chua, who is also the Inanam assemblyman, said smaller works such as widening of drains or clearing the drainage system was being done by contractors.

"The state government takes the issue of flooding very seriously, because it has been a decades-long problem.

"We have a blueprint and we will undertake the necessary works once the funding has been channeled to the state government," he said when asked about flood mitigation plans in view of the flooding in Inanam after officiating at two Bukit Bantayan Residences show units here yesterday.

To another question, Chua said hill cutting, coupled with heavy rain, was the reason causing flash floods.

He said erosion or mudslides occurred at certain areas located on hilly side during heavy rain.

He said the floods were also caused by clogged drains and contractors had been instructed to clear the blockage, adding that it was necessary to widen the drains as well.

Furthermore, Chua said the natural flows of several rivers were disrupted due to housing and village developments, causing water to overflow to residential areas.

"We are taking steps to address these problems," he assured.

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