Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia, Photo Credit to Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia, KLAF2019
clock 04-06-2019
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KLAF2019 Celebrates the Architectural Gems of the Last Decade

To celebrate the Malaysian architectural gems of the last decade, the Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival 2019 (KLAF2019) — organised by Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM) — is holding an exhibition titled Recent Malaysian Architecture at the National Art Gallery from 30 May to 15 July 2019.

Since its independence 60 years ago, Malaysia's built environment has seen robust development and growth, particularly in the last decade. This is due in part to technological advances and the enhancement of the socioeconomic stature of Malaysians that collectively brought about the need for exemplary and innovative spaces for us to live, work and thrive.

The exhibition was officiated by the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Mohammadin bin Haji Ketapi who was quoted as saying, "I am pleased PAM, through KLAF, has chosen this impressive exhibition to advocate, educate and promote good architecture and our beautiful city through this platform."

KLAF2019 Director Ar Dr Tan Loke Mun said: "This exhibition reveals the finer architectural details and traits of buildings featured in the publication. The focus of today's built environment is no longer limited to grand iconic structures, but also includes humble entities which are more inclusive that serve the larger sections of society."

"I hope that members of the public will take advantage of this excellent exhibition to delve into aspects of space making, and deepen their understanding and appreciation of the buildings that make up the built environment around us."

In conjunction with the exhibition, the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture also launched the Recent Malaysian Architecture Volume 2, written and edited by Ar Lee Chor Wah, Aw Siew Bee, and Ar Dr Tan Loke Mun with photography by Lin Ho. As a sequel to the first volume, Recent Malaysian Architecture Volume 2 continues to record the development journey of Malaysian architecture by taking stock of an additional ten (10) years of creative output by local architects. The book provides readers with a better understanding of good design and architecture.

The Architecture + Art component of KLAF2019 pieces together art, science, history, technology, and finance, and will feature the first Art + Architecture Auction (held in collaboration with HB Art Auctioneers), art installations, architectural exhibitions, and several new publications. Among the key exhibitions under this component are Unsung Heroes at Galeri Petronas; Recent Malaysian Architecture at the National Art Gallery; Heritage for Tomorrow, Esok Lusa — Tomorrow, and The Day After and Built Environment: an Alternative Guide to Japan with the Japan Foundation at the brand new REX KL; TAKSU 30th Anniversary (curated by TAKSU) at A2D2; and Malaysian Identity and Chong Kok Choon: The Species of Spaces (curated with Suma Orientalis) at Ruang KL.

Aptly themed 'Tomorrow', this year's KLAF also features three (3 ) other sub-themes which are Shelter, Future Food and DATUM:KL + ARCHIDEX and aims to raise discussions on a range of topics and shares a first look at designs centred on shelter, food security, art, and architecture and technology with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0)

For the Architecture + Art component, the exhibition is convened by Ar Norzaini bin Mufti and curated by Ar Qhawarizmi Norhisham and Ar Mohamad Pital Maarof, and strives to highlight outstanding Malaysian innovations of spatial designs with qualities that enrich the experiences of its inhabitants.

For more information on KLAF2019, visit their website or Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Keep updated with the latest news with the official KLAF app, available on the App Store and Google Play.

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