The Star Online, Photo Credit to
clock 22-05-2019
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Seberang Perai Will Be Awarded City Status

The application to elevate the MPSP to a city council began in July 2018 as the MPSP as a local authority had fulfilled all criteria, such as a population exceeding 500,000 and revenue of RM100mil.

Penangites can look forward to a special bonus after Hari Raya Aidilfitri when the Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) is awarded city council status.

Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin said the municipal council will be elevated to city status, as it has been approved by Cabinet.

"The state-level announcement will be made soon."

"It was decided in Cabinet and it would probably be announced after Raya," she said during a press conference held at the Infaq Perdana Ramadhan event held at Seameo Recsam multipurpose hall along Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah on May 19.

Zuraida said it would be a Raya bonus for Penang.

When asked if the MPSP president (Datuk Rozali Mohamud) would be made the mayor or if there would be a selection process after the upgrade, Zuraida said she was unsure how the grading system worked in the state and would leave it to the Public Service Department to decide.

The application to elevate the MPSP to a city council began in July 2018 as the MPSP as a local authority had fulfilled all criteria, such as a population exceeding 500,000 and revenue of RM100mil.

Seberang Perai covers an administration area of 747.8sq km area, the largest municipality in the country with a population of 946,200.

Penang Island City Council (MBPP) received its city council status in 2015.

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