The Star Online, Photo Credit to CSI Prop
clock 07-05-2019
hit 981
Free Guide on Property Investment in UK, Australia

Malaysia and Singapore-based real estate investment and research consultancy CSI Prop has launched the latest edition of its international property investment guide titled Investing Intelligently Towards 2019/2020.

The investment guide provides insights to help investors make informed decisions about investing in properties globally with a focus on Australia and the United Kingdom.

"CSI Prop believes in helping people achieve their personal goals and take control of their future, rather than putting their hard-earned money with fund managers and not taking time to understand their investments."

"In other words, we help people understand the property market around the world," said CSI Prop executive director Virata Thaivasigamony.

"Today, the pound sterling has weakened significantly due to issues surrounding Brexit."

"At the same time, the property market is facing a chronic undersupply of housing. So, it is a no-brainer that now is a good time to buy properties in the UK - that is why savvy investors are diversifying."

Virata advocates the importance of diversifying investments and understanding property and investment cycles around the world.

Investing Intelligently Towards 2019/2020 is available to investors at no cost at CSI Prop's property gallery at Cornerstone International Centre at Wisma Selangor Dredging, Kuala Lumpur.

The guide written by CSI Prop's in-house researchers and published biennially includes important information on property purchase cycles in Australia and the UK, financing as well as legal, property management and taxation matters.

For further details and to get a copy of the free investment guide, call 03-2162 2260 or go to their website.

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