New Sarawak Tribune, Photo Credit to New Sarawak Tribune
clock 28-02-2019
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Sarawak Construction Projects Continue to Upsurge

Leading construction company, Hock Seng Lee Bhd (HSL), expects to continue the trend of increasing construction activities as it has brought many benefits to the company.

The marine engineering and infrastructure firm said the Sarawak government's newly rolled out mega sized infrastructure projects offer new contract opportunities for the group.

Projects include the Sarawak coastal road and second trunk road as well as water works projects. They are currently mostly in the tendering stage, noted HSL.

"Project procurement is undertaken in line with our prudent project management strategies, taking due consideration of the capacity, capabilities and competitive advantages of the group," added HSL as it released the company's latest quarterly and financial year results.

The company currently has 17 on-going contracts, including new property development launches. The new contracts include construction works for Petronas' latest training centre and packages for infrastructure related to Sarawak Energy Bhd's Matang substation.

The group completed some RM92 million worth of property projects last year, comprising mostly the Eden Commercial Centre shophouses and industrial building for Vista Industrial Park Block 1.

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