Free Malaysia Today , Photo Credit to Free Malaysia Today
clock 30-01-2019
hit 901
New Law Against Racist Landlords Soon

Putrajaya is drafting a new law called the Residential Tenancy Act, which among others will address racial discrimination in the property market, following incidents of landlords refusing to accept tenants due to their ethnicity.

Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin said the new law will follow a similar law in Scotland.

"This will protect house buyers and renters from discrimination," she said at the launch of the National Housing Policy 2018-2025 (DRN).

Victims of racial discrimination have recently taken to social media to share their frustrations at being rejected by landlords who preferred a particular race.

Zuraida earlier announced the National Policy on Affordable Housing (DRMM), a new programme aimed at the B40 category of poor Malaysians.

"For the first time we will have a sub policy aimed at housing for the B40. We hear their complaints over their uncomfortable living conditions," she said.

"It's time to help them so that their quality of life is better, and living conditions are more comfortable."

The policy acts as a guide for the construction of affordable homes developed by the federal and state governments, as well as the private sector.

Among others, affordable homes must be at least 900 sq ft in size, and priced below RM300,000.

Zuraida said Putrajaya would also ensure the construction of 100,000 affordable homes annually.

She said the government is targetting 2023 to implement the build-then-sell (BTS) concept.

Under the system, house buyers only pay the initial downpayment of 10% when booking a house with the rest of the payment to be made upon delivery of the property.

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