The Star, Photo Credit to Flickr
clock 15-09-2018
hit 676
Promoting Sabah Through Moviemaking

Deputy Chief Minister Christina Liew, who is also Sabah's Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister has said that she supported and encouraged more Malaysian filmmakers to come to Sabah to produce home-grown movies.

"Now we have a relatively new dimension - promoting Sabah through moviemaking.

"This is yet another mode of wooing more tourists to the state," she said.

She also said that the surge of interest in Sabah shown by moviemakers augurs well for tourism promotion efforts and added that she had met with producers from Peninsular Malaysia, China, and Hong Kong recently.

Speaking on the GE14-inspired film produced by WebTVAsia, Rise: Ini Kalilah, she reminisced about her 20-year political struggle dating back to 1999 when PKR spread its wings to Sabah and she contested the now-defunct Gaya parliamentary seat on the party's ticket in 2002. The film was shot in several parts of the country, including Sabah.

"It was a long struggle for justice and true democracy, and above all, good governance.

"Rise: Ini Kalilah is a historic movie because it catches the events prior to May 9 and marks the birth of a new Malaysia after 61 years of Barisan Nasional rule.

"It shows the euphoria on the night of May 9 following the unprecedented electoral victory," she said.

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