Black Enterprise , Photo Credit to Black Enterprise
clock 18-09-2018
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5 Ways to Invest in Real Estate Without Ever Buying Property

10% of the top fortunes in America have been built in real estate, according to Forbes.

Although major deals may require large degrees of startup capital, you can still start accumulating wealth in real estate without ever buying or managing a property yourself.

By buying REITs (short for Real Estate Investment Trusts), you get direct access to institutional-level real estate.

You can also try real estate crowdfunding. Its benefits are similar to REITs—you buy a piece of a larger portfolio and as it grows, so does your share.

Mutual funds own shares of multiple stocks, offering access to a pool of different REITs.

There are also ETFs (exchange-traded funds) that track the REITs, which gives you similar exposure as the mutual funds and a REIT ETF can help you with diversification that further mitigates your exposure.

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