Daily Express, Photo Credit to Daily Express
clock 15-08-2018
hit 1,875
Wangle Over Management of Wakiki Condominium

A wangle over who should manage Sabah's first condominium built in 1984 is shaping up this Saturday with a group of Waikiki unit owners determined to elect a "new" committee.

Bad blood between the current management council line-up and a group of unit owners has been brewing for more than a year now.

One of the owners, Berthrem Benjamin, accused the current management of being incapable in managing the property.

He cited a lift which required some repairs. The current management shut down the lift and left it un-operational for over 9 months. And now, just before the AGM, it got a lift contractor to look at the problem.

"To date, the lift is still un-operational. It is unacceptable to take months to solve the problem.

To add salt to the wound, now, two lifts out of three are inoperative," he said.

Benjamin added visitors, residents and owners alike can also attest to the road conditions within the Condominium which are riddled with potholes. The management did nothing to improve the road conditions during the last 18 months in office.

He cited other issues like leaking pipes spewing massive amounts of water flooding the basement car parks during heavy rain, leaks from the external walls and the roofs into owner's units.

"The owners who pay management fees are infuriated with this kind of mismanagement where serious repair issues were not attended.

Benjamin, being the spokesman for the group of owners, proposed for a new set of owners be elected to manage the property.

In the 3rd AGM in May 2017, the management council appointed a Chairman, an owner with French nationality to lead the Council team.

He left for France for more than 6 months and left the management of the condominium to a team of council members who, according to the group of unit owners, struggled to manage the condominium satisfactorily.

In December last year, the same group of owners pressed City Hall to intervene and resolve the management issues after many police reports were made on the gross mismanagement. This matter is still unresolved to date. So far, concerned owners have written twice to request for a list of the office bearers and to display their accounts but there was no response.

He called on unit owners to exercise their voting rights to gain back control of the Management Council and if owners are not able to attend, proxy votes are encouraged and these need to be submitted by 2 pm on August 16 (Thursday).

He expects an intense AGM which will see 23 candidates going for posts in the next management council.

Benjamin also requested that the City Hall or the Local Housing Ministry to attend the AGM.

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