The Malaysian Reserve, Photo Credit to The Malaysian Reserve
clock 14-08-2018
hit 1,033
Airbnb Offers to Collect Tourism Tax

Airbnb has offered to collect tourism tax on behalf of its listed members despite no formal decision by the government over the matter.

According to the Malaysia Budget Hotel Association (MyBHA), a meeting was held between Airbnb and MyBHA in Kuala Lumpur on Aug 8.

Airbnb South-East Asia public policy head Mich Goh who attended the meeting had explained that the platform charges the hosts 3% of the listing price in commission.

"On top of that, Airbnb mentioned that it is willing to collect and remit tourist tax on behalf of the hosts of Airbnb listings in Malaysia" said MyBHA on its official Facebook posting.

MyBHA honorary secretary-general Denis Ong had proposed MyBHA and Airbnb to have a joint press statement on this matter.

MyBHA had also received a reply from Tourism Malaysia chairman to the association request to meet but no date has been confirmed.

"We will invite Ms Goh to join us for the meeting with the Tourism chairman" said MyBHA.

The posting was updated and different from an earlier posting by the association on the social media account.

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