Borneo Post, Photo Credit to Borneo Post
clock 14-08-2018
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Proposal to Upgrade Poring Hot Springs to Attract More Tourists

The State government proposes to upgrade the Poring Hot Springs site in Ranau to attract more tourists.

Deputy Chief Minister Christina Liew said it was high time the tourist destination was upgraded as it is a popular attraction not only to international tourists but locals as well.

"The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment suggests to add three hot springs along with 10 to 20 chalets at the foothills of the area" she said, during a press conference after a question and answer session at the State Assembly sitting on Monday, 13 August.

Liew, who is also Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, also said current fees at the site are very low and cannot cover the cost of maintenance needed to upkeep the area.

"The chalets to come will incur a high entrance fee, specifically for international tourists. This will supplement any maintenance costs needed for the site" she said.

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