clock 30-07-2018
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Investing Overseas Series (IOS) by Property Hunter: Manchester, UK

Property Hunter international properties series will be kicking off this week; a thorough breakdown of developments told in a new, interesting and engaging format. The series will feature 5 cities ranging from first-world mega-developments to newly opened economies outside of Malaysia, namely Manchester, Sihanoukville, Bangkok, Perth and Melbourne.

The series will look to be an insight into the developments we usually do not see and will be a great barometer on how properties from one place to another differ or resemble. It would also turn into an opportunity for seasoned Investors who are encouraged to explore these properties that could turn out to become a real gem in their portfolios.

As investors become more savvy and informed, investing in overseas properties has become less of a daunting prospect and instead become an exciting opportunity for many. Diversification is one of the pillars of a good investor as it spreads out the risks and provides potentially higher returns. That said, there are real risks involved when buying properties overseas as it is tied to the ups and downs of a country's currency as well. However, that could also be turned the other way and return your investment in 2 tiers: one through capital appreciation and another through currency variations.

Property Hunter's series on overseas properties are independent articles that will be released on a fortnightly basis, as a commitment to provide quality content online to our readers. The series is will be in the combination form of traditional text and interactive media to keep readers entertained and more engaged.

The launching city for this series will be Manchester, created in collaboration with Amax Real Estate (ARE Property). Stay tuned for its release. With that, we hope that readers will be able to gain something from the series and of course to enjoy the content in this new format.

In conjunction with the launch of the Investing Overseas series, Property Hunter will also be holding an event to showcase a riverside project in Manchester. Join us at the Hyatt Regency Kinabalu on 4-5 August 2018, from 11am to 4pm. All are welcome, come to check out this unique property that's on a show for a limited time. So, enjoy the content and look forward to seeing you at the event.

Read the First of the Series: Manchester: The Property Hot Spot

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